10 day actors Challenge:

Day 4


Today we will guide you through the first portion of your Meditation, then we will meditate in silence for 7 minutes, and come back to complete our experience together. Listen to the audio with headphones if you can. Adjust the volume to your comfort level, according to the device you’re using.


After our Meditation, we will do the Writing Exercise introduced in this Audio. Have your journal or notebook and pen/pencil ready. Write down the question(s) introduced in the Writing Audio portion and begin to write. Now, get into your quiet, comfortable space, headphones on, and settle in for today’s Meditation. Let’s begin!


Move for yourself, without comparing yourself to anyone else. Discover what is unique about your body, a body like no other. Or challenge yourself to do something that might beg comparison. Such as a challenging movement class with people you perceive to be more advanced than you. The challenge is to be among these so-called “advanced” folks. AND be nice to yourself in all of it.


Do something that is uniquely you. Whatever is specific to you, do something that speaks from your unique voice. Or perhaps watch a performance that might trigger jealousy. Maybe watch that TV show you were in the mix for that you didn’t book. Discover how you are unique.


Give something to someone that comes uniquely from you.

Check out the suggestion LISTS on your Challenge Welcome Page. Build your own. Share your discoveries with us online @BGBStudio on FB, Instagram, Twitter. Hashtag #BGBChallenge.

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